November 27, 2010

Brain Damage

When I visit my parents over holidays or breaks I develop a rare condition called couchus potatous.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I arrive home sleep deprived and then go out every night into the wee hours of the morning.  I believe that this condition causes a type of temporary brain damage that resolves when I return to school.  What have I been doing today?

Yeah.  Didn't get a run in today and I'm not gonna.  It's cold and I'm exhausted.  The most exercise I plan on getting is lifting my beer to my mouth when I go out.  (Bicep curls.  They're tough.)  I can rationalize it as an impromptu rest day.

Do you struggle to get in all your workouts or do you have a harder time taking rest days?


  1. Cute post. I personally struggle with the runs - I'm excellent at the resting! SMILE!

  2. my parents house has the same effect on me! i always rummage through the fridge/pantry even though i'm not hungry and overeat, and then i'm never in the mood to get up and be active. not sure what it is.... parents-house-itis?

  3. Thank you for helping me find out what my disease is!! I am the exact same thing. Don't worry because by Monday you will be back to eating wand moving like you usually do! Love the pie chart, it made my day!

  4. Hey, you have a blog?! Where have I been?!

  5. Is the beer the cure? Anyway if I don't run or swim when those are in my schedule I get crazy.

  6. Ooooh bicep curls. I'm sure you got some guns!
    I got 2 out of 3 runs in this week. I skipped Thanksgiving morning. It was actually hot and I talked myself into thinking that my knee needed MORE rest.

  7. haha I too have suffered from that couchus potatous when I visit my folks :)

  8. This makes me want to laugh and then hug you. All I can say is, "Amen sister, Amen."

  9. I heard that was going around. I know I caught a case of the couchus potatous the past two weeks.

